Referring a Cancer Patient to The Joy Bus Meal Delivery Program
The Joy Bus is a nonprofit organization that delivers fresh, chef-inspired meals, social support, and nutrition education at no cost to cancer patients in areas of Phoenix and Peoria. A meal is delivered each Wednesday or Thursday for the patient, and we can include an additional caretaker meal, when it is helpful and applicable.
The first step for qualification into our meal delivery program is to verify that the patient's address is within our delivery radius. We encourage you to submit a referral even if it seems like the address may be outside of our limits as we try to make small exceptions wherever we can.
Once we have received your referral, our team will reach out to you with any next steps.
Client Referral
Welcome! You can raise a Client Referral request from the options provided.
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Our mission is to improve the lives of our clients through good food and company. \n\nCheck us out at!\n","localeDisplayName":"English (United States)"}},"canEditAnnouncement":false,"siteDefaultLanguageTag":"en-US","userLanguageTag":"en-US","portalThemeColor":"#f7831e","helpCenterTitleColor":"#f8f8f4","bannerMediaApiUrl":"","bannerMediaApiFileId":"ffa424cc-5ccb-49ef-9859-82cfe1abbdb7","useDefaultBanner":false,"isBannerAvailable":true,"hasTopBarBeenSplit":false},"portal":{"id":"2","key":"cref","projectId":10013,"serviceDeskId":2,"name":"Client Referral","description":"<p>Welcome! You can raise a Client Referral request from the options provided.</p>","portalBaseUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/portal/2","reqTypes":[{"id":"17","name":"Refer a Cancer Patient","descriptionHtml":"<p>This referral is how a person joins our meal delivery program. Please complete all fields as missing information delays the process. Any and all information is helpful for us to best support this person and is confidential.</p>","callToAction":"Refer a Cancer Patient","introHtml":"","icon":10509,"iconUrl":"","groups":[3],"key":""}],"reqGroups":[{"id":3,"name":"General"}],"orderMapping":{"3":[17,16]},"kbs":{"kbEnabled":false,"serviceDeskId":-1},"createPermission":true,"portalAnnouncement":{"portalId":2,"canEditAnnouncement":false,"canAdministerProject":false,"portalProjectKey":"CREF","userLanguageHeader":"Referring a Cancer Patient to The Joy Bus Meal Delivery Program","userLanguageMessageWiki":"<p>The Joy Bus is a nonprofit organization that delivers fresh, chef-inspired meals, social support, and nutrition education at no cost to cancer patients in areas of Phoenix and Peoria. A meal is delivered each Wednesday or Thursday for the patient, and we can include an additional caretaker meal, when it is helpful and applicable.</p>\n<p>The first step for qualification into our meal delivery program is to verify that the patient's address is within our delivery radius. We encourage you to submit a referral even if it seems like the address may be outside of our limits as we try to make small exceptions wherever we can.</p>\n<p>Once we have received your referral, our team will reach out to you with any next steps.</p>","defaultLanguageHeader":"Referring a Cancer Patient to The Joy Bus Meal Delivery Program","defaultLanguageMessage":"The Joy Bus is a nonprofit organization that delivers fresh, chef-inspired meals, social support, and nutrition education at no cost to cancer patients in areas of Phoenix and Peoria. A meal is delivered each Wednesday or Thursday for the patient, and we can include an additional caretaker meal, when it is helpful and applicable.\n\nThe first step for qualification into our meal delivery program is to verify that the patient's address is within our delivery radius. We encourage you to submit a referral even if it seems like the address may be outside of our limits as we try to make small exceptions wherever we can. \n\nOnce we have received your referral, our team will reach out to you with any next steps.","defaultLanguageDisplayName":"English (United States)","isUsingLanguageSupport":false,"translations":{}},"canViewCreateRequestForm":true,"isProjectSimplified":false,"mediaApiUploadInformation":{"token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIyZjM0YTQzOC1lODE4LTQ0YzEtYjc3Ny03NmQ2MjBmMGEyYTUiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpjb2xsZWN0aW9uOnVwbG9hZC1wcm9qZWN0LTEwMDEzIjpbInJlYWQiLCJjcmVhdGUiLCJ1cGRhdGUiXSwidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTp1cGxvYWQ6KiI6WyJyZWFkIiwiY3JlYXRlIiwidXBkYXRlIl0sInVybjpmaWxlc3RvcmU6Y2h1bms6KiI6WyJyZWFkIiwiY3JlYXRlIl19LCJleHAiOjE3NDM0NTk2NzQsIm5iZiI6MTc0MzQ1ODQ3NH0.IZICaLgXzse8kk4d9va7y2EcxbkYqg_miyNBzuUxi8Q","targetCollection":"upload-project-10013","endpointUrl":"","clientId":"2f34a438-e818-44c1-b777-76d620f0a2a5","tokenDurationInMins":20}},"sharedPortal":{"name":"The Joy Bus","description":"<p>Welcome to the help center - we're here to help! Raise a request from the options provided.</p>","kbs":{"kbEnabled":false,"kbLinkDomainURLs":[]}},"portalWebFragments":{"headerPanels":[],"subheaderPanels":[],"footerPanels":[],"pagePanels":{"propertyPanels":[],"legacyPropertyPanels":[]}}}